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Your involvement matters to our industry.  You are at the center of the Independent Auto Dealers EcoSystem. With your input and direction, we lobby on your behalf, develop programs to aid your success and keep independent dealers a strong force both here in Washington and across the nation. We hope you will choose to be involved.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

According to our ByLaws the WSIADA Board of Directors is the governing body of the Association. Traditionally, the board has been composed of dealer members who volunteer as chapter presidents, representing the six regions of the state. This last year, Membership approved a provision that allows for “at large” board members, which gives us the added flexibility of multiple board members per Chapter.

Current chapters are: North Sound, South Sound, Vancouver, Yakima, Tri Cities and Spokane.

After one year as a chapter president (or “at large” member), dealers can run for vice-president, secretary or treasurer. After two years of board service, a dealer can run for state president. While board participation does not take lot of time, there is a commitment to a monthly meeting (typically in Auburn) and one annual meeting. Electronic participation is available but we prefer that board members plan to participate in person at least quarterly. The quality of the Association work is further enhanced as board members participate on working committeesand provide necessary guidance to association staff.

Past state presidents become honorary members. As an honorary member, membership dues are waived.

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Advisory Board

Advisory Board

Limited Edition Associate Members join with the State Board of Directors at a quarterly meeting that helps to set the tone with new programs and events that support the mission of the association. To provide input to this board, let us know either through your chapter president or by corresponding directly with the association executive director.