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Title Workshop

The WSIADA Title Workshop is designed to give dealers an in-depth understanding of the business practices, state/Federal requirements, and forms needed to complete a transaction. This course is 3 hours toward Continuing Education requirements and allows attendees to ask individual and dealership-specific questions to the instructor.

Any employee of a dealership may take this course. Continuing Education hours are issued to the dealership, not to individuals attending.


Course Schedule


The curriculum for this workshop includes, but is not limited to:

  • How to transfer a title
  • How to detect and avoid fraud
  • What paperwork is required to complete wholesale transactions, consignments & purchases from private parties
  • Common dealer errors
  • E-Permit processing
  • Tips on how to avoid costly penalties by being organized, efficient, and implement workable procedures.


Please note that classes begin at 9:00 am unless otherwise specified.

Call (253) 735-0267 or email for more information.

Training Fees

There will be no credit for missed training dates. If a student misses the class he/she was enrolled in, the student can sign up for another class. WSIADA will honor the tuition payment for one (1) year from the original purchase date. A $50 rescheduling fee will apply. A student can send another individual to his/her place. However, the class credit will be awarded to the person who attends the class.

Training Fee Refunds

A full refund for training can be issued if WSIADA is notified in writing at least 7 days before the scheduled class date. Please allow at least 7 days for the refund to be processed. There will be no refunds within 7 days of the class date. Within 7 days, a student can be rescheduled, and a $50 rescheduling fee will apply.

Title Workshops

Register and pay online by selecting the class from the calendar on this page; you'll receive an email confirmation after your registration is complete.  Registration is available until 2 pm the day before the class. In-person registrations day of the class will be turned away.