Krillin's Corner

Paws and Engines Unite at Krillin's Corner

23 August 2023

Welcome to Krillin's Corner! Where Your Pet Takes the Spotlight!

Welcome to Krillin's Corner! Where Your Pet Takes the Spotlight!

Krillin's Corner: The ultimate destination for all things furry, adorable and even automotive-related! We are excited to create this corner that's dedicated to the beloved pets of our members of WSIADA. We hope to fill this space with heartwarming stories, adorable photos, and the celebration of the unique bond between pets and their automotive loving humans!
Here's what to expect:

  • Pet of the Month: Where we highlight a member's furry loved one here, through our publication "the Front Row", and on our social medias.

  • Stories: We want to hear how you and your 4 legged friend became to be, what trouble they may find themselves into (for example, Krillin has more than once been a pizza thief...), or what's something that they have done that amazed you (which without a doubt happens everyday).

  • Adventures on 4 Wheels (or 2!): Share and see videos of members' pets enjoying a roadtrip - whether it's in a classic, modern, or child size vehicle.

  • Advice and Tips: Here you will find tips and advice on care for your pet, and even recipe ideas!

If you have ideas on what can be added to Krillin's Corner, make sure to contact our Membership Manager, Mila.